Season Seven
The beauty of this season is that it starts with questions and closes on more questions! What does it mean to be black today? There is a very interrogative episode with a provocative conclusion to an encounter between great African minds. Of course, these conversations never happened in reality but it is a reflection of the fact that many great African thinkers will never be able to connect and converse. The curation of Africa’s history has been left to a few trained historians, but I believe this is way too important to be left in the hands of a few people. Everyone must become a historian of Africa and make an effort, however small or seemingly insignificant, to document and record our history.
More questions arose as I was closing this season, and as I read and learn a bit more in the last year. I ask myself simple questions like- Should I change the format for the next season -and complex ones like- Can one consider that Africa’s independence was obtained purely because of the nationalist resistance? Are there other parameters worth learning about?
You might see many changes in the next season, stay tuned!
My African cliche of the day is a book! the first bilingual book that lists African pioneers. I didn’t say heroes, and I didn’t say black, I said pioneers and Africans. The combination of these 2 words suffers to appear in Google and other search engines. Why ? for many reasons, but mostly because we are failing to document our own pioneers, and expecting someone else to do it for us, just as we do for anything else!
50 little-known figures from recent African history in an illustrated book to inspire children and adults that is the promise. And for you, I will be to support an Africa that writes its own beautiful history. Will you be a pioneer? will you be part of that?